About Industrial Air Compressor?
An industrial air compressor is a mechanical device used to generate pressure in compressible fluids or gasses, the most common being air. A variety of compressors are used in the industry to provide functions such as:
Instrument or shop air.
Powering air tools, abrasive blast equipment, and paint sprayers.
Shifting refrigeration and air conditioning refrigerants.
Propelling gasses through pipelines.
Akin to pumps, compressors can be categorized as either positive-displacement or centrifugal (also known as kinetic or dynamic). Unlike pumps which are predominantly centrifugal, compressors are mostly of the positive-displacement category.
Industrial compressors have varying sizes ranging from fit-in-a-glovebox units, which can be used to inflate tires, to the enormous turbo compressors that can be used in pipeline services.
Air Compressor
Positive Displacement
Positive displacement air compressors force air in a chamber where the volume is decreased to compress the air.
Positive displacement is an umbrella term that describes different air compressors that are power through positive air displacement. Although the internal systems vary among different machines, the method of providing the power is the same.
Dynamic Displacement
Dynamic displacement compressors utilize a rotating blade powered by an engine to generate airflow. The air is then restricted to create pressure, and the kinetic energy is stored within the compressor.
These are mainly designed for large projects, like at chemical plants or steel manufacturers, so it’s unlikely you’ll be able to find one at your local mechanic.
Positive Displacement

Rotary screw compressors have two internal “screws” that rotate in opposite directions, trapping and compressing air between them. The two screws also generate constant movement as they rotate around.
This is a common type of air compressor and is one of the easiest to take care of. The engines are typically industrial-sized and are great for continuous use.
Dyanmic Displacement

Axial compressors use a series of turbine blades to generate air, forcing it through a small area. Although similar to other bladed compressors, axial compressors operate with stationary blades which slow airflow, increasing pressure.
These types of air compressors aren’t very common and have limited functionality. They’re used mainly in aircraft engines and in large air separation plants.